Monday, 23 August 2010

Le Petit Prince (Little Prince), Dante's Inferno (Graphic Novel), Fringe (Graphic Novel)

Posted by Letty at 12:58
3 new books arrived at home today! The 2nd package of an Amazon order from last month! :) I'm on a graphic novel phase... Probably because it is hard to find all kinds of graphic novels here in Brazil, and when you do they are either translated into Portuguese, or really expensive... That is why in the last months I have been ordering several graphic novels from Amazon. Le Petit Prince was actually a mistake I made, I was trying to order its graphic novel version, but ordered the classic version instead... Well, at least now I have a brand new book, instead of the old one that belonged to my mother... Dante's Inferno is a graphic novel based on the EA videogame of the same name. Fringe is based on the TV series from Fox that has the same name...

Dans cette fable charmante, l'auteur raconte ses souvenirs de sa rencontre avec 'un petit bonhomme tout à fait extraordinaire',  habitant d'une autre planète qui n'est pas plus grande qu'une maison. Peu à peu nous apprenons l'étrange histoire de cette créature miniscule ---le petit prince--- et comment il a commencé ses voyages vers sept planètes, qui l'ont apporté enfin à la Terre. En ce dernier lieu il apprend, grâce à un renard, le secret le plus important de sa vie. (Book cover)
A lovely story....which covers a poetic, yearning philosophy--not the sort of fable that can be tacked down neatly at its four corners but rather reflections on what are real matters of consequence. (The New York Times Book Review)

Based on the upcoming EA video game of the same name, this classic epic poem is brought to life as never before, courtesy of writer Christos Gage (WILDCATS, X-Men/Spider-Man) and hot new artist Diego Latorre. Dante Alighieri is re-imagined as a holy warrior who has returned from the Crusades to find his beloved fiancée Beatrice murdered. When her soul is ensnared by Lucifer, only Dante has the strength and courage to break open the gates of Hell and save her. But at what cost to his own immortal soul? And is Dante himself pure enough for this impossible task? Find out in this sizzling new series. (Goodreads)

FBI Agent Olivia Dunham, brilliant scientist Walter Bishop and his estranged son Peter investigate the world of "fringe science"(telepathy, time travel etc) following a series of unexplained events, which begin to raise suspicions that a large scientific research company Massive Dynamic is experimenting on the general public.
The secret history of Walter Bishop and his onetime scientific partner William Bell continues in this exclusive tie-in to the hit Fox show Fringe! Witness their first attempts at pushing the boundaries of science and reality! (Goodreads)


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